About me

I’m a mom, former police officer, now graphic designer turned medium. Need I say more…

Never in my life would I have thought I would be doing this, yet here I am. My life started out ordinary and has turned into anything but.

I started my mediumship journey unexpectedly in 2017, when I started meditating. Prior to this I was working in a corporate career feeling unfulfilled. A few months later I saw an apparition in my room which led me to search for a local medium to help explain what was happening. Shortly after, I ended up in my first mediumship development class and haven’t looked back since.  

Mediumship has helped me heal in ways other modalities couldn’t and has shown me that we aren’t as alone as we think. If you told me that one day I would be a medium I would never have believed you. Sometimes, I still don’t believe it myself. It has not been an easy road to get here but one that I would choose again knowing what I know now. My goal is to help you heal, however that looks for you.

I dislike labels and putting myself in a box but you could also say I’m a mom, sister, graphic designer, former police officer, and member of the LGBTQ+ community. And I’m also, a medium.